These wonderful awards were given to me by some really cool people.
They start from the newest to the oldest awards and an honor to receive each one.

If there is no link it is because their sites are no longer there. 🙁 I keep them for sentimental reasons.

Knightess Betty Boop award Received July 12, 2002 Thank you, Mary. aka Knightess Betty Boop

Carolyn & Gene logo Received July 28, 2001 Thank you, Carolyn. Cherlyn's Award of Excellence - 2001 Received Easter Sunday – April 15, 2001 Thank you, Cherlyn

Healing Waters logo Received April 7, 2001 Thank you, Dana. AOTS Featured Site logo I am so honored to be the featured site for July, 2000 Thank you AOTS

Kindness Award Received February 24, 2000 What a special gift to start the year! Thank you so much Rae

Dream Page award Spirit Guide Gift

Divinity Award December 26, 1998 Peace Rose

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