Prayers & Healings Requests

Prayers & Healings Requests

God's gentle hands

May the light & hands of God and His angels always lead your way
We are here for your prayer or healing requests. Let us assist you in your time of need. Just fill in the request form below and we will do the rest. God Bless You & Yours and stay in “A Circle of Light”.

This is a free service, but donations are accepted


100% goes to charity.

Please enter ALL information accurately or your request will not be submitted!

First Name:

Last Name:


URL: (optional)




Please give the first and last names of any others to be included in your Healing and/or Prayer Request:

Please Enter Your Healing and/or Prayer Request:

How did you find our site:

On the next page you will be asked to make a donation.
Please consider helping those, who may be less fortunate. 100% of your donation will be donated to charity and you will be given a choice of charities.

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Please click ‘Submit’ only once to prevent repeated requests.


animated heart
I send you love.

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