

Uruz Magic Use strength aurochs, ox sacrifice strengthen will increase sexual potency & energy for hunting Upright: Termination and new beginnings. The life you have been living has outgrown its form. Prepare for opportunity disguised as loss. Learn to adapt yourself at such a creative time. Humility – you learn to rule in learning how […]

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Wunjo Magic Use joy, light glory blessings success in any endeavor, to motivate, for happiness or harmony, to complete a task joy, comfort, ecstasy, glory, pleasure, fellowship, harmony, self-worth Upright: A fruit bearing branch: the time of trails is over. New energy, light piercing the clouds. A new clarity may call for you to renounce

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Sowelu wholeness the sun life force Wholeness, that which your self requires. Be conscious of your essence and express it in a creative way. You may need to withdraw, but this will be a retreat in strength. Open yourself up, let the light in to the hidden parts of your life. Do not give yourself

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Berkana Magic Use growth rebirth birch tree making a fresh start, healing (especially infections), achieving conception, new beginnings Upright: A flow towards blossoming and ripening, gently yet pervasively. Overcome any resistance and complete your task. Clean out any dark corners, if necessary with expert help. Modesty, patience, fairness and generosity are called for here. Steadfastness

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Eihwaz Magic Use growth rebirth birch tree to bring about profound change, to ease a life transition, communication with other realms Even obstacles in your path can be beneficial. Be patient, this may be a time of waiting. Have foresight and perseverance. Try to foresee the outcome before you act. Avert anticipated problems. Through inconvenience

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Ehwaz Magic Use movement horse, progress sun’s course power, to send a spell, aiding in communication, transportation, safe journey Upright: Movement, moving house, progress, new life and new attitudes. A sense of gradual development and steady progress – slow growth, in business or the development of an idea. You have progressed and can face the

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Dagaz Magic Use growth rebirth birch tree for working where two worlds meet, to bring a positive outcome A major shift or breakthrough: the new light is dawning. Change and transition can be very radical. Coupled with Odin’s rune – the blank rune – even a death can be portended. But this is often a

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Ansuz Magic Use signals, mouth, Loki wise decisions success leadership help in magic and divination to gain ancient wisdom Upright: Receiving gifts, messages and signals. A new life may be unfolding. Expect the unexpected, a call to new life. A new sense of family solidarity. Reversed: Concern over apparently failed communication. A sense of futility,

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Kano reversed

Kano (reversed) opening torch, fire skiff, Nerthus A darkening of the light in a situation or relationship. A friendship, marriage or partnership may be dying. The death of a way of being. But failure to face up to that death would be a loss of opportunity. Give the old up gladly and prepare to live

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Laguz flow, water, lake, sea fertility The ebb and flow of emotions, relationships and careers. Unseen powers are at work here, nourishing, shaping and connecting. Immerse yourself in life and living. A time for cleansing and realigning may be signaled. This rune is a fertility source (see Grendel’s mere in Beowulf). A omen for union,

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