
Algiz reversed

Algiz (reversed) protection, sedge, rushes defense, elk Pay attention to your health and do not add to others’ burdens. Take care of any associations you form at this time, be aware of those using you. If you don’t win you can still learn. Remember temperance and courtesy. MEANINGS: (reversed) hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, […]

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Algiz protection, sedge, rushes defence, elk Control of emotions is important here. In times of transition, don’t collapse into your emotions, the highs or the lows. Timely right action and correct conduct are your only true means of protection If you feel pain, observe it, stay with it. New opportunities and challenges are at hand.

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Jera harvest, spear one year fertile season Beneficial outcomes to projects, activities and endeavors. But do not expect quick results. You have prepared the ground and sown the seed, now cultivate with care. Patience is essential for a full harvest, you will reap the benefits of your perseverance. MEANINGS: change, reward, cycle turning, productivity, motion,

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Eihwaz defense yew tree, bow assertive power Even obstacles in your path can be beneficial. Be patient, this may be a time of waiting. Have foresight and perseverance. Try to foresee the outcome before you act. Avert anticipated problems. Through inconvenience growth is promoted. MEANINGS: change, initiation, turning point, confrontation of fears, death, transformation, strength,

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Fehu possessions cattle, goods nourishment Fulfillment, love shared, rewards received, ambition satisfied. Probe the meaning of profit and gain in your life. Do you really need wealth and possessions, or self-rule and a growing will? Conserve what has been gained. Do not collapse into your success, but be generous and thoughtful with your good fortune.

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Fehu reversed

Fehu (reversed) possessions cattle, goods nourishment Frustrations, and not inconsiderable ones, may be ahead. You miss, you watch helplessly, what you have gained dwindles away. Ask what you can learn from this. If there is joy, do not be seduced into mindless joyfulness. Doubtful situations are abundant, in many forms and guises. This is the

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Gebo partnership offerings a gift Partnership is at hand, whether love, business or any other kind. But do not collapse yourself into that union. True partnership is only achieved by separate and whole beings. Let the winds of heaven dance between you. The gift of freedom from which flows all other gifts. MEANINGS: gift, offering,

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Hagalaz disruption hail, sleet the elements The disruptive forces of nature and the elements. Change, freedom invention and liberation are all indicated here. Events are beyond your mortal control. Disruptions may come in many forms: plans go awry, a relationship fails, a source of supply dries up. You are not without power, you have your

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Inguz fertility beginnings Ing, hero god Harmonizing and adjustment in your personal relationships. The need to share, to find similarities. A time of joyful deliverance – a new life, a new path. Completion, deliverance and resolution. Emergence from an old, chrysalis state. You may have to free yourself from a habit or relationship, or a

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Isa standstill ice, freezing withdrawal The winter, a time of free and standing still. Make time to contemplate, and be prepared to sacrifice the old. Holding on results in shallowness. This is the necessary time of ice and cold before the spring. Submit, be still, enjoy your solitude. In the Prose Edda, the frost-giant Ymir

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